What is stage 4 lung cancer? This is the most advanced stage of lung cancer known today. After the cancer at this stage means that the lung tumor has spread to other parts of the body. This is also called metastasis. Identifying the stage of lung cancer is important to determine the extent of spread of cancer, which can be prepared by treating cancer patients must go through if they choose to be treated. This type of lung cancer can affect the brain, liver, adrenal glands and bones.
Typically, lung cancer is not detected at an early stage. Most symptoms begin to manifest only in later stages of disease. Some stage 4 lung cancer symptoms are persistent cough, sometimes with bloody mucous, shortness of breath, hoarseness of voice, difficulty swallowing, muscle tenderness with unbearable pain in the muscles, repeated occurrence of pneumonia or bronchitis and fatigue. Affects the brain, the symptoms are severe headache, vision changes and seizure attacks. For the liver and adrenal glands, the patient experience of cancer May abdominal pain, fever, yellowish skin, swelling of the legs, loss of weight and appetite loss. Bone fracture occurs even when there is no violation that occurred. Keep in mind, however, that different people may show different symptoms, as this will depend on other organs affected.